Chronicles of Rymura image


123456New Moon - 7
FQ Moon - 15161718192021
Frostfall Solstice
Night of Lights
Full Moon - 22232425262728
TQ Moon - 29303132333435
New Moon - 36373839404142
High Bontwain
4344FQ Moon - 4546474849
5051Full Moon - 5253545556
TQ Moon - 57585960616263
6465New Moon - 6667686970
717273FQ Moon - 74757677
787980Blood Moon - 81828384
858687TQ Moon - 88899091
El-Morin’s Night


1234New Moon - 567
Festival of Nature
89101112FQ Moon - 1314
15161718Full Moon - 192021
Fey Equinox
2223242526TQ Moon - 2728
2930313233New Moon - 3435
3637383940FQ Moon - 4142
4344454647Full Moon - 4849
Vagabonds Day
5051525354TQ Moon - 5556
Byrons Dedication
New Moon - 64656667686970
FQ Moon - 71727374757677
All Fools Day
Full Moon - 78798081828384
85TQ Moon - 868788899091
Festival of Equals

Festival of Life (New Year)

Belonging to neither month, The Festival of Life is celebrated on a special day that falls between Bloom and Soltine. On this day, everyone is marked a year older, and children reaching their age of majority become adults. Many areas hold festivals to mark the occasion.


1New Moon - 234567
8FQ Moon - 91011121314
15Full Moon - 161718192021
Soltine Solstice
2223TQ Moon - 2425262728
2930New Moon - 3132333435
3637FQ Moon - 3839404142
4344Full Moon - 4546474849
Kirallin's Heart
505152TQ Moon - 53545556
575859Black Moon - 60616263
Children’s Day
646566FQ Moon - 67686970
71727374Full Moon - 757677
7879808182TQ Moon - 8384
8586878889New Moon - 9091
Farmsteads Glory (Eva's Day)


1234FQ Moon - 567
8910111213Harvest Moon - 14
151617181920TQ Moon - 21
Festival of Masks
Banath’s Night
222324252627New Moon - 28
Shadow Equinox
293031323334FQ Moon - 35
Hunters Moon - 43
3 Moons Bright
50TQ Moon - 515253545556
New Moon - 57585960616263
Day of Rest
64FQ Moon - 656667686970
7172Full Moon - 7374757677
7879TQ Moon - 8081828384
8586New Moon - 8788899091
Feast of Kulindra


21 Frostfall
Night of Lights:
Candles, lanterns, torches, and bonfires are lit all night to celebrate the lengthening days and to ward off the encroaching night. A small prayer is sometimes said to Dulmarth, on this the longest night of the year, reflecting on the darkest thing you have done and asking for forgiveness.

36 Frostfall
High Bontwain:
A feast day meant to encourage reflection on the good that is happening in the world and in your life. Complaining goes against the spirit of this day and a complainer may find himself doused with a bucket of water to wash away bad luck.

91 Frostfall
Winternight (El-Morin's Night):
A night spent in solitude, or with close family, to mark the last day of winter.

1 Bloom
Festival of Nature:
Celebration of spring's arrival. Contests and competitions are prevalent from small hamlets to large cities. Small prayers or donations are made to Salix, Einhasad, and Mar.

20 Bloom
Fey Equinox:
The day when the barriers between the Prime Material Plane and the Feywild are at their weakest.

46 Bloom
Vagabonds Day:
A day celebrating visitors and travelers. It is customary to have baked sweets available for anyone stopping by on their way through town. Temples and churches of Loial give food and comfort for any wanderer who may need it.

57 Bloom
Byron's Dedication:
A day where plays, musicians, poets, and bards preform and are showered with small coin and food. Smiths and forge masters also display specialty made items and trinkets.

75 Bloom
All Fools Day:
A day for playing pranks on your friends and family. Tithes to Ishtar and Banath are customary.

91 Bloom
Festival of Equals:
On this day nobles are encouraged to throw a feast and invite everyone, mingle with the common folk, and be seen by the community. Tithes to Dicium the Law Giver are customary.

New Year
Festival of Life:
The Festival of Life is celebrated on a special day that falls between Bloom and Soltine. On this day, everyone is marked a year older and children reaching their age of majority become adults. Many areas hold festivals to mark the occasion.

21 Soltine
Soltine Solstice:
A day for festival, feasting, and competition. Purifiers of Saint Moraine dress in full regalia and gather at local taverns, inns, and other public places.

46 Soltine
Kirallin's Heart:
Day with lots of marriages and proposals. Locals use it as an excuse to get drunk and push off work for a day.

58 Soltine
Children's Day:
On this day children are encouraged to play outside. They can go door to door singing songs in exchange for sweets.

91 Soltine
Farmsteads Glory (Eva's Day):
A day of eating and merriment for the celebration honoring farmers. Participants are encouraged to make and share food with everyone. It would be ill-mannered to leave even a crumb uneaten. Hot pastries stuffed with meat are a traditional food for this holiday.

15 Harvestide
Festival of Masks (Banath's Night):
The holiday entails men, women, and children wearing Masks in the shape of birds, animals, or monsters. High society members often throw extravagant balls during the night. Also known as Banath’s Night.

23 Harvestide
Equinox of Shadow:
The day when the barriers between the Prime Material Plane and the Shadowfell are at their weakest.

41 Harvestide
A day to let go and forget all your old grudges. The intent is for it to be peaceful, but there have been incidents of disagreements being settled in a more brutal way, especially among the nobility. Some visit temples of Saint Sarillen to confess the lies that they have told.

57 Harvestide
Day of Rest:
On this holiday, any sort of labor is avoided. The food is always cooked the day before, and much drinking and trick playing is encouraged. Inns and taverns remain open, a place for merriment and indulgence.

74 Harvestide
A day to revere all the gods, but special attention is paid to those gods who don’t get their own holiday: Thystre, Tonks, Agrinor, Ayms, Familor, Kelmarik, Somniatella, and Vora. Marked with large-scale celebrations, contests, and food.

91 Harvestide
Feast of Kulindra:
A feast remembering the dead, celebrated in a joyful way. Small shrines and effigies are set up by the loved ones of the dearly departed.

Real World Reference

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