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Survival Rules

The world can be a cold and unforgiving place. Scavenging for food, staying warm, and keeping your companions alive are essential for survival during your journeys.

Note that these rules only apply if the you are playing in a survival themed campaign.

Cold Weather and Warmth Points

Winter can get cold. Very cold. The kind of cold that will steal the warmth from your bones, and when the winds blow it only gets worse.

Weather Penalties

You start with a number of Warmth Points (wp) equal to your CON score x1.5. During the day as you travel, hunt for food, or explore ruins, your warmth points will decrease depending on the weather and other environmental variables.

Weather CategoryResulting Warmth Penalty
Calm-1 wp/hour
Light-2 wp/hour
Moderate-3 wp/hour
Severe-4 wp/hour
Wet-6 wp/hour
It takes 3 hours to dry out

Once your character reaches 0 warmth points, your Speed is halved, and you have Disadvantage on ability checks that rely on Constitution, Strength, or Dexterity.

If you remain in the elements after your warmth points have dropped to 0, you will begin to lose CON at the same rate as warmth points. If your CON reaches 0, you die.

You regain 1 CON per Long Rest.

If you are caught outside, without shelter, during Severe weather (Blizzard/Ice Storm) the environment will make a 1d4 attack against your warmth points. If you have no warmth points remaining, the attack is made against your CON.


Tents, caves, buildings, and other kinds of shelter will decrease the amount of Warmth Points lost per hour. However, shelter alone will never bring your warmth points lost per hour above 0.

Shelter CategoryWP Loss Mitigation
Dilapidated Buildings
(DM Discretion)
Canvas Tent or Shallow Caves+1
Fur Tent or Basic Buildings+2
Deep Caves or Solid Buildings (fort/castle) will set wp lost per hour to 0

Regaining Warmth Points

A fire is necessary to regain warmth points. The amount of warmth points gained depends on the amount of firewood your burn (in lbs).

Pounds of wood burnedWP gained per Hour
1 lbs+1 warmth point/hour
2 lbs+2 warmth points/hour
3 lbs+3 warmth points/hour

Weather that is Moderate requires, at least, a windbreak in order to start a fire and gain benefit from it. You will not be able to benefit from a fire during Severe weather without some form of shelter.

Other Modifiers

Quality winter gear will increase your pool of Warmth Points. A heavy fur cloak (20 lbs) for example, will increase your Warmth Points by +5.

Being burned, while not fun or good for your overall health, will regain warmth points.

Example Warmth Point Math

Calm day (-1):
Canvas Tent (+1) + 1lb fire (+1) = +1wp/hour
No Shelter + 2lb fire (+2) = +1wp/hour

Moderate day (-2):
Canvas Tent (+1) + 2lb fire (+2) = +1wp/hour
Wind Break (+0) + 3lb fire (+3) = +1wp/hour

Severe Weather (-4):
Fur Tent (+2) + 3lb fire (+3) = +1wp/hour
Deep Cave(set to 0) + 1lb fire (+1) = +1wp/hour

Collecting Firewood

Fire is essential in the frigid wastes. Make sure you keep a healthy supply of firewood nearby to increase your chances of survival.

A Strength check will be required when harvesting firewood. On the roll, for every number greater than the DC (base DC 10), you gain that many pounds of firewood.

For example, a Strength roll of 22 on a DC 10 check would result in 12 pounds of firewood.

Each Strength Check for firewood takes a half hour.


The correct tool is important for efficient wood gathering.

Tool usedBonus or Penalty
Dagger, Mace, or other ill-suited weaponRoll with Disadvantage + 1/2 amount
Sword, Halberd, or equivalent bladed weaponRoll with Disadvantage
Hand Axe, or Battle Axex1 wood harvested
Wood Axex2 wood harvested

Gathering Food

Scavenging, or hunting, for food is crucial for keeping yourself fed in harsh environments, where a resupply could be weeks away.

A Survival check is required when foraging for food, for every number greater than the DC (DC varies by area), you gain that many pounds of food: A roll of 22 on a DC 18 Survival check would net 4 pounds of food.

If you are not proficient in Survival, roll with disadvantage.
Each foraging check takes 1 hour.
2 pounds of food per day is needed to sustain your character.

Other Sources of Food

There are other ways to stock up on your rations other than foraging. Fishing near the shore, hunting seal or walrus, or coming across a heard of caribou are all viable sources of obtaining food. The pounds of food obtained by hunting depends on the kill.

Winter Travel

These travel rules are in addition to the ones found on the Campaign Rules Page.
Travel Pace assumes an 8 hour day over snowy terrain:

On Foot = 3d10+6 miles (Low = 9, Avg = 22.5, High = 36)
Other forms of travel will need to be discovered or obtained.

Winter Weather Modifiers:

Calm (Total distance x1)
Light Weather (Total distance x.8)
Moderate Weather (Total distance x.6)
Severe Weather (Total distance x.3)
Traveling during a blizzard requires a DC15 survival check: On a failure, you veer off-course.

Requisitioning and Ordering Supplies

(Campaign Specific)
You may find no stores, shops, or services in the desolate lands of world. Instead, supplies and gear must be crafted, ordered, or requisitioned.


A military outpost, or frontier camp or town, may have some supplies on hand. You may try to requisition these supplies from the acting quartermaster. Your standing with the base personnel, the leader of the camp, and the quartermaster will affect how willing they are to lend you their limited supplies.

Ordering Supplies

The ship that has brought you to these shores, or the bold traveling peddler, could be hired to make scheduled stops. You may order supplies when the contact arrives, and when they get back to civilization they will do their best to purchase the items requested. However, the journey could be long and perilous; It could take weeks before the contact, hopefully, returns with your supplies. You will have to plan ahead.

If you are looking for less savory items, you may want to find a trusted contact that could make and deliver those purchases for you.

Obtaining Wealth

(Only relevant in expedition-type campaigns)
During your expeditions you will come across various objects of interest that could be sold to the right person. This is how you will obtain your wealth in order to purchase supplies, improve the base camp, and hire craftsmen to aid you in your expedition.

Spell and Skill Restrictions

Survival campaigns are meant to emphasize survival, careful planning, and resourcefulness. To that end, certain skills and spells have been restricted. This list is not exhaustive, and more items may need to be added as the campaign progresses. As always, the restrictions can be challenged and debated.

These restrictions are in addition to the ones found on the Campaign Rules Page.

ClassSub-Class Restrictions
BarbarianPath of the Totem Warrior:
Aspect of the Beast: Eagle
Totemic Attunement: Eagle
MonkUnarmored Movement
At 9th level, you gain the ability to move along vertical surfaces and across liquids

Way of the Four Elements:
Shape of the Flowing River
RangerNatural Explorer:
Mountainous regions still counts as difficult Terrain
Your group can't become lost except by magical means

Land's Stride: use Revised Rangers "Fleet of Foot" instead
Second-Story Work: Buildings and Trees Only
Mountains and Cliffs - roll with Advantage

Reliable Talent:
Spell LevelSpell Restrictions
CantripNo Restrictions
2No Restrictions

Leomund's Tiny Hut: Crystal Bead worth at least 50gp

Sending: Range 500 miles

Water Walk
4Control Water
5Control Winds
Swift Quiver
Tree Stride
6Transport Via Plants: Range 500 Miles
Wind Walk
7Teleport: Component 1000GP gem per person
8No Restrictions
9No Restrictions